At the non-profit Horticultural Therapy Institute, students gain the skills and confidence to create and manage successful horticultural therapy programs, and are inspired to become leaders in the practice and profession of horticultural therapy. Our experienced instructors are dedicated to teaching best practices with passion and excellence, keeping an eye on the changing needs of programs, people and places.

We offer:

  • Professional training that prepares you to combine your passion for gardening with a desire to improve the lives of others
  • A certificate in horticultural therapy (HT)
  • Courses in HT for adult and traditional students
  • Experienced instructors who love to teach and are leaders in the profession
  • Staff who care about and can help guide your career
  • Face-to-face instruction that builds your professional network
  • College credit from Colorado State University
  • A concentrated course of study that can lead towards a credential in HT from the American Horticultural Therapy Association
  • A discourse with others who recognize the benefits of connecting people and plants
  • A curriculum that effectively trains students from varied educational and professional backgrounds

We strive to understand your needs and wish to create educational options that will work for you. Please let us know how we can help and with a friend or colleague.

Who should consider classes with the HT Institute?

  • Healthcare and human service professionals
  • Educators
  • Horticulturists who wish to provide human service
  • Students exploring career options
  • Career changers

Among our student base, we have trained many landscape architects, horticulturists, and master gardeners, as well as human service professionals. Some of them wish to change careers, some are looking for a meaningful outlet/vocation for their passion for plants and gardening, some wish to add an effective tool to their therapy programs, while others use the training to design effective gardens in health care and human service settings.

The curriculum is designed for working adults and their busy schedules. Our format allows students to travel from all over the U.S. as well as outside of the U.S. to attend the 4 and 5 day-intensive trainings. Assignments are completed both before and after class, and students have approximately one month after class to complete the work.

Many of our students wish to become registered in the field of HT, thus they will take all of our classes for academic credit. (Professional Registration is a credential offered through the American Horticultural Therapy Association and is voluntary.) Others use their certificate from HTI to successfully carry out HT programs and related work.

Professional Standards for Horticultural Therapy

The certificate courses offered by the Horticultural Therapy Institute allow students to meet the standards for coursework in horticultural therapy outlined by the American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA). The AHTA standards for professional registration in horticultural therapy are based on a bachelor’s degree, an internship and coursework in horticulture, therapy/human sciences and horticultural therapy. Explore the specific requirements at